
2018 smart manufacturing industry outlook: CNC machine tool output is expected to continue to grow slightly

Time:2017-12-18 Author: 來源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)了

 一、CNC machine tools: The industry is facing new opportunities, and output is expected to continue to grow. With the gradual advancement of Chinese manufacturing 2025, new strategic requirements and transformation challenges for domestic CNC machine tools are proposed: high-speed, high-precision, composite, intelligent, Opening, parallel driving, networking, extremes, and greening will become the development direction of CNC machine tools. In the short term, the intelligent transformation of traditional manufacturing and the integration of the Internet + manufacturing will all become new demand growth points brought by CNC machine tools. It is expected that the output of CNC machine tools in 2018 will continue the previous growth trend. The output of CNC metal cutting machine tools for the whole year will be about 256,600 units, an increase of about 2.2% year-on-year. 2017-2019 CNC Metal Cutting Machine Tool Production and YoY Growth Forecast:

二、Industrial robots: production capacity continues to expand, and output is expected to continue to grow rapidly. At present, the number of companies involved in the production of robots in China exceeds 800, and there are a large number of traditional manufacturing companies that continue to shift to the production of industrial robots. More than 40 industrial robot parks have been completed or are under construction in China. There are also a large number of industrial parks in preparation, which are expected to be completed and put into operation in the next few years, which will further release the production capacity of industrial robots. Therefore, it is expected that in 2018, China's industrial robot output will reach 152,000 units, an increase of about 35% year-on-year; from 2017 to 2020, China's industrial robot production average annual growth rate is about 35%; by 2020, industrial robot output will be close to 239,000 units. 2017-2020 China's industrial robot output and year-on-year growth forecast:

Nuclear power experts from Armenia, Bangladesh, Belgium, India, Germany, Pakistan, Romania, Sweden, the United States and other countries and regions gathered in Shanghai and shared with the guests the well-known nuclear power companies and the obsolete management and spare parts of nuclear power plants in operation in various countries Progress and experience in the management and replacement of spare parts lists.

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