
Home > Service guide

We have a professional and satisfactory sales service team. Before sales, the professional sales personnel customize appropriate solutions for customers. After sales, the professional customer service personnel provide customers with all-round and high-quality support services. We regularly carry out systematic maintenance, maintenance and testing of products, so as to maintain the best performance and quality of products at all times.

After sales process:

Step 1 - understand Machine Tool Faults

In case of failure of the machine tool, stop the machine tool, keep it on site, and provide detailed failure phenomenon as much as possible when reporting the failure by telephone;

Step 2 - report the trouble by phone

1. Contact local customer service personnel or regional customer service manager of mattos

2. Or call the national after sales hotline of the head office: 13738840039

Step 3 - on site inspection

Maitos arranges professional customer service personnel to the customer site to detect and repair the faulty machine tool;

Step 4 - service completion

After debugging, the machine tool can work normally.


Hotline:0574-65105716 65306875
Mobile:+8613777284382 13566398129
Add:Ningdong Science and Technology Park, Liyang Town, Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province
Copyright ? Sunway Hanguang Electric Manufacturing Limited 浙ICP備05058958號(hào)-1 Support:和眾互聯(lián)
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